Garrison Institute

Retreats & Events

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What We’re Working On

Contemplative-Based Resilience

For years, the Garrison Institute has offered a program that provides resilience trainings for direct service providers through the Contemplative Based Resilience (CBR) Project. These evidence-based trainings give caregivers—health care providers, social workers, humanitarian aid workers, first responders—the opportunity to strengthen their resilience.

CARE: An Adult SEL Program with Proof

What We’re Working On

Pathways to Planetary Health

The Garrison Institute’s Pathways to Planetary Health signature program explores and promotes a regenerative paradigm that nurtures the health of the whole, simultaneously optimizing human well-being and preserving the biosphere. The predominant worldview and its economic system for assigning value is based on a degenerative paradigm which prioritizes extraction and individual consumption. Pathways seeks to illuminate a different way forward.