The Common Good

The final pathway is the common good – imbuing all human cultures with a pervasive sense of mutuality and an ethics to nurture and protect our ecological, social and economic commons. Just as an ecological system needs to be connected, balanced and for each element to enhance the commons, we also need our societies to be generative fields from which environmental, social and inter-generational justice can grow. Throughout history, there have been, and still are many indigenous cultures that hold this world view. Collaboration is as deep a human potential as is competition. We now need to translate this wisdom into contemporary operating models.

The shift in societal paradigm from self regarding to honoring of the common good is a necessary condition if we are to achieve the other pathways towards a regenerative future. The seeding of an altruistic society is a foundational step towards planetary health. In such a society, the fundamental value system is one that sees every elements, from the soil organisms to humanity with a deep respect and care. This ethic was best outlined in Pope Francis’ encyclical “Laudato Si” on the environment and human ecology which calls for an integral ecology that creates a universal communion that “excludes nothing and no one.”

Planetary Health Library : The Common Good

Post Carbon Institute Websites
Contemplating the More-than-Human Commons Essays
Center for Earth Ethics Websites
Ecology, Ethics, and Interdependence: The Dalai Lama in Conversation with Leading Thinkers on Climate Change Publications
Journey of the Universe: A Story for Our Times Specialization Mary Evelyn Tucker and John Grim Instructions
Journey of the Universe Websites
Center for Action and Contemplation Websites
Earth Ministry Websites
GreenFaith: Interfaith Partners for the Environment Websites
Thomas Berry and the Great Work Websites
The Forum on Religion and Ecology at Yale Websites
Living in the Future's Past Videos
Opinion: Common ground with climate skeptics August 4, 2015 Videos
Contemplative Commons Websites
The Blue Sapphire of the Mind: Notes for a Contemplative Ecology Douglas Christie Publications
"Toward a Contemplative Ecology: A Conversation with Douglas Christie and Andrew Zolli" Andrew Zolli April 21, 2017 Interviews, Blog Post
Can 140 Characters Matter? Andrew Revkin January 12, 2011 Blog Post
ecoAmerica Websites
Yale Program on Climate Change Communication Websites