The Body Speaks, and Its Language is Movement

Because the body’s wisdom can only be felt in the present moment, movement practices are ideal tools for understanding the complex relationships between heart, mind, body, and the external world. 

Shelly Tygielski: Challenging Injustice Through Meditation

What is the relationship between mindfulness meditation and activism? Is there a way for our meditation practice to be transformed into work that can change the world?  by Aidan Kennelley Often, the act of “sitting” can feel individualistic and self-centered. But Shelly Tygielski believes this can be a powerful tool that enables us to ask the essential question “how can…

Awake in Nature

This past weekend I was at a wedding in Vermont.  The groom has been a friend for over two decades.  And like all the rest of his friends, I was so happy that he had found love, especially after the pain and loss of his first wife’s illness and passing.  It was bittersweet; the ache and grief were still there,…