
Ep 13: Youth Voices on Climate Change with KidSpirit Members

An Interview with KidSpirit Members

By Eleanor Bennett

Today we’ll hear from young people around the world—youth living in India, China, New Zealand, and the United States—on how they’re feeling about climate change, and what they think we can do to better care for each other and our fragile planet.

They are writers and editors for KidSpirit—a nonprofit online magazine by and for youth. Founded by Elizabeth Dabney Hochman, this community of 11- to 17-year-olds from diverse backgrounds have been engaging each other about life’s big questions in an open and inclusive spirit since 2008.

In India we’ll be hearing from Aditya Naik, who connects the ancient philosophy of the shepherd Hari to the modern day climate crisis. In New Zealand, Jung Woo Bae writes about Shel Silverstein’s famous story “The Giving Tree” as a way for us to appreciate the earth for its many gifts. In the U.S., Skyler Sallick shares how Michael Pollan’s book The Omnivore’s Dilemma, got her wondering where her food comes from. And in China, we’ll hear from Nathan Zhang about what it was like to live beneath a blanket of smog in Beijing as a kid.


Our theme music is composed by Zoë Keating. You can find her music on iTunes or on her website, Zoë Keating.com. The photograph for this episode is by Annie Spratt.

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