Spiritual Radicals – Learning Engaged Spirituality

Garrison Institute 14 Mary's Way, Route 9D, Garrison, New York, United States

In a world grappling with multiple crises and an uncertain future, it can feel overwhelming to navigate such challenges with an open heart. However, it is precisely during such times that we must tap into our inner spaciousness and discover our purpose for these times.

Pathways to Planetary Health Forum with Indy Johar

Indy Johar and Jonathan F. P. Rose explore how to transform the worldviews of underlying and often-invisible systems – economic, governance, and policy systems –to give rise to a world of mutual thriving. This thought-provoking conversation will consider the mindsets and systems that can better align the well being of human systems with nature.

7-Day Retreat at Garrison Institute with Rupert Spira

Garrison Institute 14 Mary's Way, Route 9D, Garrison, New York, United States

For those of us who love to dive deeply into the heart of the non-dual understanding, retreats offer an unprecedented opportunity: seven days with Rupert and friends, nestled in a beautiful location in nature, where we steep together in the peace of our true nature. Retreats gather us in the heart of being, where we spend our days in self-abidance, friendship and creativity.

LOVE is the Most Powerful Force in the Universe

Mindfulness teacher Sharon Salzberg joins with Atman Smith, Ali Smith, and Andres Gonzalez of the Holistic Life Foundation (HLF) to offer a program exploring the depths, capacity, and meaning of love. Love is the most powerful force in the universe. Love is cohesive and attracting, and is not bound by space or time. Learn to get in touch with and share the infinite love inside of you with meditation, yoga, and additional contemplative practices.

A Healing & Restoration Retreat

Garrison Institute 14 Mary's Way, Route 9D, Garrison, New York, United States

In partnership with the Acosta Institute, we are honored to present the Healing & Restoration Retreat, a transformative three-day experience designed as a sanctuary for changemakers, leaders and educators experiencing burnout.

Maintaining Balance in the Eye of the Storm

If you are a busy leader faced with competing priorities and you feel pulled in too many directions at work, join this free webinar to explore practices to reduce overwhelm and to stay connected to your passion and purpose at work. Christa Tinari, director of Contemplative-Based Resilience, and Sander Tideman, CEO and Founder of Triple Value Leadership, will discuss how to apply awareness practices to realize in-the-moment that you need “a moment.”