Spiritual Radicals – Learning Engaged Spirituality

Garrison Institute 14 Mary's Way, Route 9D, Garrison, New York, United States

In a world grappling with multiple crises and an uncertain future, it can feel overwhelming to navigate such challenges with an open heart. However, it is precisely during such times that we must tap into our inner spaciousness and discover our purpose for these times.

Pathways to Planetary Health Forum with Indy Johar

Indy Johar and Jonathan F. P. Rose explore how to transform the worldviews of underlying and often-invisible systems – economic, governance, and policy systems –to give rise to a world of mutual thriving. This thought-provoking conversation will consider the mindsets and systems that can better align the well being of human systems with nature.

7-Day Retreat at Garrison Institute with Rupert Spira

Garrison Institute 14 Mary's Way, Route 9D, Garrison, New York, United States

For those of us who love to dive deeply into the heart of the non-dual understanding, retreats offer an unprecedented opportunity: seven days with Rupert and friends, nestled in a beautiful location in nature, where we steep together in the peace of our true nature. Retreats gather us in the heart of being, where we spend our days in self-abidance, friendship and creativity.

LOVE is the Most Powerful Force in the Universe

Mindfulness teacher Sharon Salzberg joins with Atman Smith, Ali Smith, and Andres Gonzalez of the Holistic Life Foundation (HLF) to offer a program exploring the depths, capacity, and meaning of love. Love is the most powerful force in the universe. Love is cohesive and attracting, and is not bound by space or time. Learn to get in touch with and share the infinite love inside of you with meditation, yoga, and additional contemplative practices.

A Healing & Restoration Retreat

Garrison Institute 14 Mary's Way, Route 9D, Garrison, New York, United States

In partnership with the Acosta Institute, we are honored to present the Healing & Restoration Retreat, a transformative three-day experience designed as a sanctuary for changemakers, leaders and educators experiencing burnout.

Maintaining Balance in the Eye of the Storm

If you are a busy leader faced with competing priorities and you feel pulled in too many directions at work, join this free webinar to explore practices to reduce overwhelm and to stay connected to your passion and purpose at work. Christa Tinari, director of Contemplative-Based Resilience, and Sander Tideman, CEO and Founder of Triple Value Leadership, will discuss how to apply awareness practices to realize in-the-moment that you need “a moment.”

LGBTIQ+ Retreat Waking Up Fabulous: Taking Refuge & Care

Garrison Institute 14 Mary's Way, Route 9D, Garrison, New York, United States

This retreat is an opportunity for us to come together as an LGBTIQ+ community and care for ourselves: to remember who we really are and to recollect our true inner goodness. We will explore ways of sustaining a kind heart, a clear open mind, and a strong body. We will engage with the ancient teachings and practices offered by the Buddha that cultivate compassion, wisdom, and skillful actions.

Artificial Intelligence and Our Spiritual Imagination

Join us for an enlightening Garrison Institute Fellowship Forum featuring renowned philosopher, writer, and activist, Dr. Bayo Akomolafe, in conversation with Dr. Angel Acosta. This engaging session will explore the intersection of artificial intelligence and our spiritual imagination, offering a unique perspective on AI.

Mind & Life Institute Summer Research Institute

Garrison Institute 14 Mary's Way, Route 9D, Garrison, New York, United States

We’ve never been more connected and yet so divided. Just as technology brings us closer together, we are increasingly polarized, finding affirmation in online echo chambers rather than seeking common ground. Loneliness and isolation are fueling a global mental health crisis just as climate emergencies hasten hunger and the mass displacement of people.

Becoming Bodhisattvas – The Path of Confidence with Ethan Nichtern

Garrison Institute 14 Mary's Way, Route 9D, Garrison, New York, United States

Many of us are longing for an in-depth, in-person meditation retreat. This is a great opportunity to do so. Like last year, this retreat will focus on practices and teachings related to the path of the Bodhisattva, a body of teachings all about a compassionate and wise way of being in world in turmoil. This year we will focus on the theme of Confidence. 

Pathways to Planetary Health Forum with Doughnut Economics Action Lab

Join us for a conversation of Garrison Institute Co-founder Jonathan FP Rose speaking with Kate Raworth, Leonora Grcheva, and Erinch Sahan of Doughnut Economics Action Lab  for a thought provoking discussion of Doughnut Economics, which asks the question- what is the goal of economics- and answers it with a purpose: social and ecological wellbeing rather than growth or many other economic indicators that we pay too much attention to.

Spiritual Retreat with Divine Master Sri Bhramrishi Siddhguru

World Spiritual Forum is conducting a spiritual retreat in the divine presence of our Divine Master, Sri Brahmrishi Siddhguru (referred to as “Gurudev”) from July 4 to July 7, 2024 at the Garrison Institute. This retreat includes Siddhasana (yoga, meditation and other activities in silence), lectures on our ancient wisdom, singing of the divine songs (Bhajans), chanting mantras and most importantly informal discussion with Sri Siddhguru.

Contemplative Leadership and Personal Mastery

Join us for an exceptional Garrison Institute Fellowship Forum featuring renowned speaker, former business school professor, and executive coach, Dr. Srikumar Rao, in conversation with Dr. Angel Acosta. This enlightening session will explore the profound themes of creativity, personal mastery, and contemplative leadership.   About the Forum In a world filled with constant challenges and rapid changes, finding deeper meaning…

Healing-Centered Education Summit: Hope & Healing in Practice

Garrison Institute 14 Mary's Way, Route 9D, Garrison, New York, United States

This summit calls upon educators, leaders, and practitioners from diverse fields to explore healing-centered approaches to learning, development and community empowerment with a focus on actionable strategies for systemic change. Throughout this immersive event, participants will engage in enriching panel discussions, be inspired by keynote addresses, and partake in collaborative workshops.

Wholehearted Sesshin: Summer Silent Retreat 2024

Garrison Institute 14 Mary's Way, Route 9D, Garrison, New York, United States

Join us for an eight-day intensive silent retreat focusing on rediscovering our values and living life to the fullest.

Care for Educators

Garrison Institute 14 Mary's Way, Route 9D, Garrison, New York, United States

CARE is a unique evidence-based program designed to help educators reduce stress and enliven their work by promoting awareness, presence, compassion, reflection, and inspiration – the inner resources needed to help students flourish, socially, emotionally, and academically.

How to Get Over Yourself: Finding the Bliss Beyond Self-Fixation and Fear

Garrison Institute 14 Mary's Way, Route 9D, Garrison, New York, United States

In this retreat we’ll review a wide array of contemplative and somatic embodiment practices as well as contemporary psychological based tools to overcome self-fixation and gain access to a core drive to connect with the transpersonal serenity of being, getting curious with existence, and being kinder to our core beings. We will also offer yoga/movement taught by Lindsey Liberatore. This is an in-person retreat appropriate for both new and experienced practitioners.

Breaking Bias: How Contemplative Practice Builds A World of Belonging

Join author Anu Gupta and Garrison Institute's CBR Director Christa Tinari for this conversation around imagining a world without bias—and the methodologies by which we can dream it into reality. The session will feature meditation, somatic exercises, and a lively discussion, followed by an interactive Q&A session. Anu will explore what it means for us to “break bias” in our own communities.

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