Doughnut Economics Action Lab

Doughnut Economics: A Framework for a Regenerative and Distributive Society Kate Raworth, Leonora Grcheva, and Erinch Sahan in conversation with Jonathan F.P. Rose On Monday, June 24th, 2024, Kate Raworth, Leonora Grcheva, and Erinch Sahan of the Doughnut Economics Action Lab joined Garrison Institute co-founder Jonathan F.P. Rose for a conversation hosted by Pathways to Planetary Health on an economic framework for a…

Reflections on AI and Spiritual Imagination

On May 30th, the Garrison Institute hosted an enlightening Fellowship Forum titled “Artificial Intelligence and Our Spiritual Imagination.” This profound conversation between renowned philosopher Dr. Bayo Akomolafe and Dr. Angel Acosta delved into the complex interplay between AI and spirituality, challenging participants to reimagine their understanding of technology. The forum began with the provocative idea that AI was not created…

Integrating approaches to resilience

On Friday, June 7th, 2024, Dekila Chungyalpa joined Garrison Institute co-founder Jonathan F.P. Rose for a conversation hosted by Pathways to Planetary Health on Integrating Faith-Based, Psychological, and Ecological Approaches to Resilience. Dekila brought deep insights from her work in research and advocacy related to resilience and human wellbeing. She is founder and director of the Loka Initiative and has…

Indy Johar on The Common Good and Exploring Islands of Coherence

On Friday, March 22, 2024, Indy Johar joined Garrison Institute co-founder Jonathan F. P. Rose for a conversation hosted by the Pathways to Planetary Health initiative.  Indy is co-founder of Dark Matter Labs and of the award-winning architecture and urban practice Architecture00. He is on the advisory board for the Future Observatory and is part of the committee for the London Festival of…

The Contemplative Artist’s Way

From ancient wisdom traditions to secular and science-based approaches to mindfulness, people have always found ways to engage contemplative practices to foster wellbeing and channel attention. In this Fellowship Forum from April 13, Kenji Summers, Sickamore, Quiana Parks, and Dr. Angel Acosta discussed the creative ways that people are cultivating groundedness amidst this tumultuous historical moment.

Leah Penniman on Black Earth Wisdom

On March 31, Leah Penniman joined Garrison Institute co-founder Jonathan P. Rose for a conversation about how farming and living in deep connection with land can heal and fortify the planet and ourselves.

Intraconnected: Embracing Oneness and Human Differences

Drawing on spiritual, scientific, and sociological expertise, this March 23 forum explored insights from Dr. Dan Siegel’s new book, Intraconnected. Dr. Siegel, Mirabai Bush, Dr. Yolanda Sealey-Ruiz, and Garrison Institute Fellowship Director Dr. Angel Acosta explored how to overcome the limiting belief of an isolated and disconnected self, in favor of a self that is “a part of a synergy of systems much bigger than the individual.”