Reimagining Capitalism in a World on Fire with Rebecca Henderson

According to Harvard University professor Rebecca Henderson, capitalism is the most successful economic system in history, yet it’s in danger of destroying itself – and our world. While some may be paralyzed by the enormity of the task facing humanity, Henderson’s 2020 book Reimagining Capitalism in a World on Fire offers hope: if you, as an individual, can make even a single company a better place to work, you can change lives and be part of a driving the larger social and political changes that are needed.

Creating a Wise Work-Life Balance: Relational Sensemaking in Leadership

Many organizations, businesses, and institutions are struggling right now to survive economic downturns while also maintaining human wellbeing—and the balancing act can be tumultuous. Tensions and rifts emerge when core values are challenged by workplace demands—causing moral, social, and economic dilemmas.

Gross National Happiness as a Keystone in Sustainable Growth with Tshewang Wangchuk

According to the World Economic Forum, Bhutan has considerably and measurably improved its economic, environmental, social and governance situation in the last four decades, and is on the verge of graduating from “Least Developed Country” status this year. The Bhutan Foundation is an independent and objective partner to the King of Bhutan and its government.

Heath Nero on the Power of Protecting Public Lands

In this discussion, Nero cautioned against “fortress conservation,” in which local communities are excluded from the conservation efforts and do not reap any benefits. He highlighted that conservation is most successful when done in concert with indigenous and first nations – in fact, that partnership can be a pathway to reconciliation and more resilient local communities and economies.

Inner Resources for Collective Action on Climate Crisis

On October 6, Garrison Institute Co-Founder Jonathan F.P. Rose joined Jamie Bristow, a leading expert on completive practice and public life, for a discussion on the “inner dimension” of addressing climate change. Jamie is also the Co-Director of the Mindfulness Initiative, a policy institute based in the United Kingdom that is focused on mindfulness and compassion training that grew out of a program of mindfulness teaching for members of the British Parliament.

Nicole Redvers on Bridging Indigenous Systems and Modern Science

Nicole Redvers joined Garrison Institute co-founder Jonathan F.P. Rose for a conversation about the importance of indigenous voices in planetary health and the common good. Nicole, who co-founded the Arctic Indigenous Wellness Foundation, is also author of The Science of the Sacred: Bridging Global Indigenous Medicine Systems.