Fellowship Forum: Arawana Hayashi on Welcoming the Unknown Through Embodied Practices

On March 11, we continued the Garrison Institute Fellowship Forum with a conversation between Arawana Hayashi and Dr. Angel Acosta, Director of the Garrison Institute Fellowship. They discussed Hayashi’s work on embodied presence and awareness practices for getting unstuck in the face of uncertainty. As the events of the past year have reminded us all, one of the only certainties…

Fellowship Forum: Dr. Dan Siegel on the Reality of Intraconnection

On February 18, the Garrison Institute Fellowship Forum continued with Dr. Dan Siegel, best-selling author, clinical professor of psychiatry at the UCLA School of Medicine, and the founding co-director of the Mindful Awareness Research Center at UCLA. Dr. Siegel and Dr. Angel Acosta, Director of the Garrison Institute Fellowship, dove deep into Dr. Siegel’s concepts of “MWe” and intraconnection as…

Fellowship Forum: Dr. Sará King on the Science of Social Justice

On January 27, we launched the Garrison Institute Fellowship Forum with a dialogue between Dr. Sará King, Garrison Institute Fellow, and Dr. Angel Acosta, Director of the Garrison Institute Fellowship, on the science of social justice. At the beginning of the New Year, we gathered in shared community to discuss Dr. King’s work and we invite you to revisit this…

Watch now—Pathways to Planetary Health: Joanna Macy

On January 14, 2021, Garrison Institute presented a rare conversation with Joanna Macy, exploring our relationship to the earth and the pathways to healing during this critical time. As Macy has asked, “How can I be fully present to my world–present enough to rejoice and be useful–when we as a species are destroying it?” Drawing on her work at the intersection…

Pathways To Planetary Health Forum: Ibrahim Salih Abdul-Matin on What Islam Teaches About Protecting the Planet

On January 7, we continued the Garrison Institute Forum on Pathways to Planetary Health (PPH) with a conversation between Ibrahim Salih Abdul-Matin, author and co-founder of Green Squash Consulting, and Jonathan F.P. Rose, co-founder of the Garrison Institute. This far-reaching, timely conversation is full of insights into the work of healing our planet and ourselves, and we invite you to…

Justice from the Inside Out: Contemplative Practices for Correctional Workers

This thought-provoking forum discussion between Caroline Margaret Volstad, J.D., and Lama Justin von Bujdoss (Repa Dorje Odzer) explores the challenges of disrupting suffering through spiritual care within carceral facilities. Caroline and Justin spend this hour contemplating justice (which Justin defines as respect, agency, appreciation of value, and freedom from violence for all beings) in the context of Justin’s work as Staff Chaplain for the New York City Department of Corrections.

Pathways To Planetary Health Forum: Filmmaker, Photographer, Author, Husk Of Time Victor Masayesva in Conversation with Co-Founder, The Garrison Institute, Jonathan F.P. Rose

On September 10, filmmaker, video-artist and photographer Victor Masayesva of the Hopi village of Hoatvela joined chairman Jonathan F.P. Rose for the latest installment of the Garrison Institute Forum: Planetary Health Series. Since the early 1980s, Masayesva has been at the forefront of developing and propagating an indigenous aesthetic through his works, drawing praise from one scholar as being “one…

Pathways To Planetary Health Forum: Editor, Foreign Affairs Magazine, Gideon Rose in Conversation with Co-Founder, The Garrison Institute, Jonathan F.P. Rose

This conversation between Foreign Affairs Magazine Editor Gideon Rose and Garrison Institute co-founder Jonathan F.P. Rose explores the intersection of ecological awareness, spiritual wisdom, and politics. We are offering access to this session free of cost, as part of our open-access Pathways to Planetary Health initiative, a series of interactive Forum sessions which aim to expand our understanding of how…