Ending the War

Jay Michaelson led a retreat at the Garrison Institute entitled “Jhana Meditation,” on November 12 – 17, 2016. The diversity of our emotional lives—especially difficult emotions like sadness, concern, and even anger—is both the context and the content of liberation. On the one hand, life as it is, not as we might wish it to be, is the place where we…

VIDEO: Joanna Macy on Rainer Maria Rilke and the Force of the Storm

In the video above, filmed during her recent Garrison Institute retreat, Joanna Macy discusses the poetry and spirituality of Rainer Maria Rilke. She talks about how the young poet found the sacred in ordinary life, how he had an incredible sense of what the 20th century had in store, and how he tells readers to “let everything happen to you, both the…

What is Embodied Listening?

Embodied listening is listening with the whole body, a kind of deep listening in which we are fully present for others, giving them space and support to share their experience fully, without interrupting, judging, shifting the topic to ourselves, or even trying to be helpful before help is asked for.

The Blossoming After the Bullying

I’ve been seeing an adorable nine year old boy, Max, in my clinical practice for about three years now. A sweet, sensitive, and anxious child, he took to therapy and then to mindfulness almost immediately, using some classic breathing and sense practices from our first session in his home and school life to help calm and center himself. One of…

Recovering Our Reciprocal Relationship With the Land

Winter is fast approaching the North Dakota plains where an unprecedented gathering of Native American tribes intends to remain at Standing Rock, continuing their protest against the Dakota Access pipeline as long as needed. Those gathering there call themselves “water protectors,” noting that running the pipeline under the Missouri River just upstream from the reservation puts their source of water…

The Personal Self is a Construction

The following is an excerpt from Dr. Dan Siegel’s book Mind: A Journey to the Heart of Being Human. Along with the New York Society for Ethical Culture and the Blue School, The Garrison Institute co-produced a conversation with Siegel about his new book at the New York Society For Ethical Culture in New York City on November 3, 2016. [Note: In the excerpt…

Sylvia Boorstein on Laughter

Sylvia Boorstein’s next retreat at the Garrison institute is “Integrity as the Path to Happiness,” on December 7 – 10, 2017 which she is coleading with Sharon Salzberg. “One of the things that’s true about me is that I laugh a lot,” says meditation teacher Sylvia Boorstein. Find out why in this short video.

Compassion and Cities

The following is an adaptation from Jonathan F. P. Rose’s new book The Well-Tempered City: What Modern Science, Ancient Civilizations, and Human Nature Teach Us About the Future of Urban Life. Please join us for a conversation with Jonathan F. P. Rose and journalist Andrew Revkin at the Garrison Institute on October 17, 7PM. The world’s first cities were founded around temples approximately…