What Garrison Means to Me: Lisette Cooper

Lisette Cooper is a Garrison Board Member and the Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Athena Capital Advisors, an investment advisory firm serving private clients, foundations, and endowments. She is committed to social justice and shares our passion for extending the benefits of contemplative practice into the major institutions of society, such as the educational and social services systems. We…

Really Getting to Know Yourself

One way to view the human mind is as a complex system made up of multiple sub-personalities, each with competing needs and agendas. This can make it difficult to make decisions, feel content, and, ultimately, relate to other people. In this conversation, Josh Korda and Jessica Morey explore techniques that can help us make sense of these sub-personalities.

Becoming Part of a Larger Whole

Bessel van der Kolk, M.D., is a leading expert on trauma and a psychiatrist noted for his research in the area of post-traumatic stress. On April 29 – May 2, he will be co-leading an experiential workshop at the Garrison Institute that will explore the use of music, theater, movement and writing in recovering from traumatic stress. We recently spoke with…

Contemplation in a World of Action

Many people assume that contemplatives are ascetic and apart from the world. Thomas Merton, in his book The Inner Experience, highlights that the contemplative experience does not remove or isolate one from life but heightens one’s connection to it. He writes: “The true contemplative is not less interested than others in normal life, not less concerned with what goes on in…

Existing in this Particular Moment

Last November, cellist and composer Zoë Keating performed at the Garrison Institute’s Insight & Impact benefit. We caught up with her recently to discuss her spiritual and artistic sensibilities and her use of technology in creating emotional experiences through music. This post is the first in a series of short interviews on contemplation and creativity. Do you have a contemplative…