The Garrison Institute’s Moral Economies Project brings together thought leaders of this movement, to identify the common elements among these global transformative initiatives. Together, we are charting new pathways toward a more just, regenerative, and sustainable future. Through our ongoing mapping of these distinct efforts, we are uncovering and exploring commonalities that tie together diverse efforts to foster wellbeing and economic change.
The retreat will be jointly led by Judy Lief, senior teacher in the tradition of Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche and master editor of his works, and the senior teachers of the Westchester Meditation Center (WMC) – Derek and Jane Kolleeny, and Gene Bobker. This mostly silent retreat will be primarily focused on sitting meditation, but the daily schedule will also include walking meditation, talks, guided meditations, yoga, and free time, with two individual meetings with a meditation instructor and discussion groups on two evenings.
The Village Zendo’s year-end retreat is a chance to step out of ordinary life and enjoy deep silence and contemplation at the turning of the year. Our schedule is serious (with plenty of zazen meditation) but also spacious, with time to enjoy the beautiful grounds and nearby trails. Dharma talks are given daily, and there is opportunity to meet individually with teachers. Full Retreat: December 26 to January 1
Half Retreat: December 26 to December 29
Please join us as we explore this unique opportunity to spend time with author Daniel Siegel, MD and gain insight into the themes of his latest work “Personality and Wholeness in Psychotherapy” . Join us in unlocking the potential for transformative change and learn how to turn perplexing patterns into opportunities for growth and self-discovery.
In collaboration with Dr. Bayo Akomolafe / Dancing with Mountains and Ayin Press, we offer a short course exploration, and an in-person retreat called ‘Selah’. Selah is a series of retreats crafted around Dr. Akomolafe’s thesis that contemporary times call for something more than healing, justice, resolution, or solution. The core invitation of Selah is to make art together, to test the limits of normal perception, to interrogate the peri-feral where representation fails to carry its weight, and to amplify desirous lines and minor gestures that are alive as potentials in the air. Garrison Institute is pleased to host the first in the series of these Selah retreats.
Kim Nolan and Stephen Posner will explore what it means to find awe in nature and to regard nature as teacher and source. This refreshing conversation will weave together insight and experience across sectors, including passion for social justice, appreciation for the power of business, and commitment to education for the next generation of sustainability leaders.
This in-person retreat is a rare chance to immerse in a way of being that honors nature as the source of all life, promoting humanity’s right relationship with Earth. Co-Facilitated by Tiokasin Ghosthorse, and Melanie Goodchild, PhD, we will gather on sacred land on the banks of the Hudson River to engage “the precious and vanishing world behind the human-made world.”
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