Webinar: “Mastering the Present Moment” with Michael Miller

The Garrison Institute welcomed Michael Miller, Founder and Director of New York and London Meditation Centres, for a live webinar and practice session. In this time of increased demand and rapid change, it’s challenging to stay grounded and aware of the present moment. And it’s at times like these that we need to be alert to what’s actually going on.…

Webinar: “Self Practice in Challenging Times” with Krishna Das

“Spiritual practice is what gives us the strength to be here.” The Garrison Institute welcomed world-renowned chant artist Krishna Das to the virtual sanctuary for a live webinar and practice session. KD led us in an invocation followed by the chanting of Mantras and a discussion of how the use of Mantras and breath work can help us move more…

Timely Teachings from Chokyi Nyima Rinpoche on the Nature of Mind

Revered Tibetan Buddhist meditation master and annual teacher at the Garrison Institute Chokyi Nyima Rinpoche gave these teachings in March 2020 in his personal audience room at Ka-Nying Shedrub Ling monastery in Kathmandu. The audience was a small group of students from the Rangjung Yeshe Institute, an institute for the study of Buddhism founded by Chokyi Nyima Rinpoche in 1997, which has…

Earth Day 2020: “Mind, Self and Consciousness” with Dr. Dan Siegel

As we celebrate Earth Day 2020, the interconnectedness of this world has never been more apparent. The COVID-19 pandemic has changed our lives radically, and at this moment in time the impact on our global social and economic systems cannot yet be fully understood. We as a human collective have been forced to take a pause, reflect, reconsider, and release any…

Webinar: “The Paths in the Underworld” with John Tarrant

The Garrison Institute welcomed John Tarrant to the virtual sanctuary for a live koan seminar. A student asked the great teacher Zhaozhou: “When times of great difficulty visit us, how should we meet them?” The teacher said, “Welcome.” You can tell we’re all on an underworld journey by the anxiety coming like damp out of the walls, the constraint and fear…

Webinar: “Effortless Mindfulness: Tools to Access Essential Support” with Loch Kelly

  Loch Kelly led us in a live, interactive webinar to share ways to shift out of our chattering mind and into the compassionate support of our heart mind. Enjoy this supportive retreat-at-home as we find the open-hearted connection to learn and heal through a shared practice of effortless mindfulness. For ongoing support, Loch is pleased to offer the following:…

Webinar: “Transforming Pandemic Panic into Receptive Presence and Growth” with Dr. Dan Siegel

Dr. Dan Siegel led the Garrison Institute Community in a live, interactive webinar designed to speak to the challenges and opportunities of our present moment. As we confront increased stress levels and profound uncertainty, we are also reminded of the possibility for meaningful growth and personal transformation. We invite you to rest in our virtual sanctuary as you learn and…