Webinar: “Lovingkindness in Difficult Times” with Sharon Salzberg

As the COVID-19 pandemic progresses, it has become increasingly clear that humanity is being called to face unprecedented challenges. Many of us have immediate questions- What do I do to stay healthy? How do I care for my loved ones? We are also faced with bigger, more complex questions- What is this going to mean? This kind of uncertainty can…

A Mindful Approach to Nonviolent Communication: An Interview with Oren Jay Sofer

We welcome for the first time Oren Jay Sofer, who will be teaching a virtual retreat at the Garrison Institute August 28 – 30, 2020 based on his recently published book, Say What You Mean: A Mindful Approach to Nonviolent Communication (Shambhala, 2018). The interview below is based on details from his book. To learn more about the upcoming retreat and…

In Search of Societal Altruism

We live in a time of great uncertainty, with the triple threat of increasingly volatile climate change, political polarization, and income inequality. It feels like the political, economic, and governance systems of our civilization are not only unequal to these challenges, but being fractured by them. In times of great uncertainty, people tend to grasp at leaders with views they…

Exploring the Outdoors and Going Within

Joan Borysenko, author of Pocketful of Miracles, writes of December: [It is]. . ‘the month in which all the forces of nature are aligned to help us give birth to the light within.  Midwinter has cast a spell over the land and all of nature sleeps.  Members of the human tribe gather by the fire to hear the old stories…

Search Inside Yourself

Much of contemporary mindfulness is based on the newly emerged field of “contemplative neuroscience,” which looks at the effects in the brain and overall health of contemplative practices such as different forms of meditation and mindfulness. In the contemporary mindfulness practices such as those offered through the “Search Inside Yourself” curriculum, many of the exercises and skill building are derived…

Mindful Design & Remembering that Women are Half of Humanity

Design is often an invisible force in our lives, shaping and etching our world; sidewalks determine walkability, paint color can soothe or repel, and classrooms and houses of worship can foster either connection or discord. Design is in the mundane–the length between the car pedal and the driver’s waist–and the not-so-mundane, like astronaut suits. The latter is at the heart…

How to Make Cities Greener for All

Think about your local walk to the park. You head down that shady street, turn left at the corner store, cut up that little alleyway, and – voila! – you are surrounded by bounding dogs, trees, and giggling children. Or maybe not. Maybe you have to navigate an urban obstacle course littered with poorly thought out street crossings, concrete corridors,…

To Beat Overwhelm, Figure Out Your Values

Overwhelm is a modern plague, taking up news headlines, physician trainings, corporate employee workshops, new modes of therapy and more. With the rise of social media and a decrease in off-screen connecting, many of us are left confused, anxious, questioning our decisions, lonely, searching for meaning, and looking for a way to escape stress and find the way back to…