Buddhist Yelp Reviews

Reviews by Alex T. of Cambridge, MA Buddha – ⭐⭑⭑⭑⭑ Stop me if you’ve heard this one before: super rich guy leaves his wife and kids, goes on an insane diet, and then discovers the key to everything is chilling under a tree in the shade. Srsly? What about the wife? Buddhism – ⭐⭐⭐⭑⭑ Oh wait, there’s like a method…

Satisfy Your Craving for Human Contact

Our love affair with digital is over. It seems like forever, but it’s been only 10 years since the iPhone first seduced us. Can we remember a time when we didn’t have the sleek, delicious feel of a device in the palm of our hand and instant gratification at our fingertips? Can we remember a time when “app” wasn’t even…

Why Buddhism is True Interview Image

Is Buddhism True?

The Buddha said that the origin of all suffering is craving — we either don’t get what we want or we get what we don’t want. But what is the origin of our craving? In his recent New York Times best-selling book, Why Buddhism is True: The Science and Philosophy of Meditation and Enlightenment, Robert Wright argues that the process of…

Does Meditation Work?

Does meditation work? I got interested in questions like this through an unusual project I helped develop: the Emory-Tibet Science Initiative. Back in the early 2000s, the Dalai Lama asked Emory University to develop a sustainable curriculum in modern science for his Tibetan Buddhist monks and nuns in exile in India. As you can imagine, this was (and still is)…

A Prayer of Gratitude

For many of us, Thanksgiving represents a mixed bag of our most altruistic and our most greedy impulses. On the one hand, we gather together with our loved ones to celebrate all that we have to be grateful for. On the other, we often do this through excessive consumption and the madness of Black Friday shopping. In this video from…

Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee a time for silence spiritual ecology

A Time for Silence

There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens … Ecclesiastes For our ancestors the rhythms of the seasons were their calendar, the rising and setting of the sun their only clock. Today our clocks seem to spin much faster and it is easy to ignore—or even forget—these more primal seasons and their meaning.…

What We’re Reading

Looking for something interesting and enlightening to read? Here is a roundup of links recommended by the Garrison Institute staff, highlighting stories from around the web. On Being | Krista Tippett and Rachel Yehuda How Trauma and Resilience Cross Generations “We’re just starting to understand that just because you’re born with a certain set of genes, you’re not in a biologic…

The Difference between Loneliness and Solitude

Americans lead lonely lives. Or so say so many headlines. Study after study posits that we have never been more socially isolated than we are now, and that the pain of loneliness is expressed not just in our psychic yearning for companionship but also in our physical afflictions. Lonely minds are also lonely bodies, experiencing higher rates of cardiovascular disease,…