Between a Cyborg and a Hard Place

In a recent conversation I had with Rohan Gunatillake at the Rubin Museum’s Brainwave series, we spoke about the tension between our digital lives and our pursuit of mindfulness and wellness—he from the perspective of a technologist and social entrepreneur and I from the perspective of an emotion scientist and digital health researcher. This is a dilemma with few easy…

Against the Digital Detox

While the digital detox has become our primary strategy for dealing with the challenges of digital life, app creator and writer Rohan Gunatillake thinks that our urge to unplug is unfortunate and unnecessary. Like it or not, he says, technology is here to stay and pathologizing our relationship with it is not a sustainable path forward. Instead we can use…

Ep 12: Falling in Love with the Earth with Mark Coleman

A student of mindfulness and Buddhist practices for three decades, Mark Coleman, M.A., is a senior meditation teacher at Spirit Rock Meditation Center in Marin County, California. He has always been keen to share the fruits of meditation to wider audiences and founded The Mindfulness Institute, where he brings mindfulness trainings to Fortune 500 companies and the non-profit sector. Coleman also…

Training for Future Heartbreak

Late one night, my friend Brett called me on his way to the airport. He works for the U.S. State Department and, as a result, is often assigned to diplomatic posts around the world for a few years at a time. I have known Brett for over a decade and we are quite close. I had just gotten attached to…

cynthia bourgeault christian nonduality

Christian Nonduality

Nonduality is a concept most commonly associated with the religious traditions of Hinduism and Buddhism, but Episcopal priest Cynthia Bourgeault has written extensively about it from a Christian perspective. We spoke with her recently to discuss her approach to nonduality, the difference between belief and experience, and Christian practices that can help people cultivate an experiential understanding of nonduality. Where can we…

Touching the Earth

We all need to be the kind stewards that this planet needs right now while making room for all the grief, fear, and anger that might rage through us. Cool the fire around you by mustering all the Love you can access. Guided by Love work toward playing your part in the healing that is needed. —Abdi Assadi We are…

Upgrading Our Inner Lives

Back in 1965 Gordon Moore, the co-founder of Intel and the then head of research and development, made an observation that is now known as “Moore’s Law.” He stated that advances in hardware technology and engineering are such that the number of components that can be crammed onto a silicon chip would double every eighteen months, and therefore the processing…