Composing Spirituality

I first discovered Brian Eno’s music when I was a teenager, and his music has been a constant companion in my life ever since. I connected with both Eno’s music, which I found to be sublime, and his approach to making music, which was highly creative and experimental. I especially like the pastoral and meditative aspects of his composition Discreet…

Rama’s Sandals and the Spirit of Dialogue

The Ramayana describes Rama’s exile at his stepmother’s behest, so that her son Bharata would become king instead. Bharata, distraught, goes to Rama’s forest retreat and begs Rama to return and rule, but Rama refuses to disobey the decree. Bharata then takes Rama’s sandals saying, “I will put these on the throne, and every day I shall place the fruits…

10 TED Talks That Inspire

Last week, our friends at the Rubin Museum of Art hosted a conversation between TED Talk curator Chris Anderson and social researcher Brené Brown. They were sharing tips on how to communicate impactful ideas in honor of Anderson’s new book, TED TALKS: The Official TED Guide to Public Speaking. TED Talks have become remarkably influential in the digital landscape of ideas and many Garrison Institute teachers…

Why CARE for Teachers Matters

In the video below, teachers talk about what the CARE for Teachers program is and why it matters. By using mindfulness and other emotion skills training techniques, the program helps teachers regulate both their own well-being and the quality of their classrooms. Since this video was produced, more research about the CARE for Teachers program has been completed. It was previously known that…

How Mindfulness Can Transform the Classroom

“How are things going for you?” I asked Jan, a fourth-grade teacher participating in the federally funded research project being conducted in New York City. Jan had just completed the first two days of the CARE for Teachers mindfulness-based teacher professional development program and I had called her for a phone coaching session to see how she was doing as…

Ep 2: Practicing Change with Sharon Salzberg

Welcome to the second episode of the Climate, Mind and Behavior Podcast. Each episode, we’ll explore groundbreaking intersections between human behavior, resilience, climate change and contemplative practice. Sharon Salzberg is a meditation teacher and New York Times best-selling author. She is the co-founder of the Insight Meditation Society in Barre, Massachusetts, and has played a crucial role in bringing Buddhist…

Lessons People Can Learn From Horses

Before meeting Buck Brannaman, I always thought that I was interacting with horses in a way that was kind. But he opened up a world of horsemanship that I never knew existed. He made me realize that I had been putting way too much pressure on the horse, using a lot of strong bits, and unnecessary power in my arms.…

Questions Frame the Quest

I recently had an opportunity to speak to some Garrison Institute supporters and friends. I mentioned that one of the things that unites the Garrison community is that we are all seekers. This is our basic orientation; we want to discover, explore, and search, and the Institute is a wonderful vehicle for our seeking. And in seeking, many of us…