Seeing the Whole

Humanity is developing new technologies that can help us sense the world at scale, and make change visible in ways that are much more amenable to human cognition. And that matters, because seeing the world, deeply and in its totality, is the first step on the path to communion, empathy and stewardship.

Getting Out of Her Own Way

Last November, singer/songwriter Shawn Colvin performed at the Garrison Institute’s Insight & Impact benefit. We caught up with her recently to talk about how clearing her mind and the 12 Steps inform her spirituality and creative process, as well as her approach to covering songs. This post is the second in a series of short interviews on contemplation and creativity. Read our…

10 Conversations with Poets

In honor of National Poetry Month, we would like to share some of Krista Tippett’s On Being interviews with a few of our favorite poets. In her new book, Becoming Wise: An Inquiry into the Mystery and Art of Living, Tippett writes, “The kind of conversation I spend my life in is, like poetry, a tribute to the human capacity…

A Hidden Force that Connects Us

One rainy, windy day in New York City I needed to go to several appointments and meetings within a few blocks of each other. I decided to brave the elements and, with my tiny folding umbrella in hand and lightweight raincoat, walk from place to place. Soon after I went outside, though, the wind blew open my umbrella and I…

What Garrison Means to Me: Lisette Cooper

Lisette Cooper is a Garrison Board Member and the Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Athena Capital Advisors, an investment advisory firm serving private clients, foundations, and endowments. She is committed to social justice and shares our passion for extending the benefits of contemplative practice into the major institutions of society, such as the educational and social services systems. We…

Really Getting to Know Yourself

One way to view the human mind is as a complex system made up of multiple sub-personalities, each with competing needs and agendas. This can make it difficult to make decisions, feel content, and, ultimately, relate to other people. In this conversation, Josh Korda and Jessica Morey explore techniques that can help us make sense of these sub-personalities.

From Stress Reduction to Systems Change

Nearly 20 years after first being introduced to the legal profession, mindfulness is becoming a powerful force—not only for individual wellness and effectiveness, but also for transforming the profession in areas such as discrimination law, judicial training, and criminal justice. Next month, a diverse group of legal professionals, law teachers, and law students will explore these exciting new developments as…

Becoming Part of a Larger Whole

Bessel van der Kolk, M.D., is a leading expert on trauma and a psychiatrist noted for his research in the area of post-traumatic stress. On April 29 – May 2, he will be co-leading an experiential workshop at the Garrison Institute that will explore the use of music, theater, movement and writing in recovering from traumatic stress. We recently spoke with…