Nicole Redvers on Bridging Indigenous Systems and Modern Science

Nicole Redvers joined Garrison Institute co-founder Jonathan F.P. Rose for a conversation about the importance of indigenous voices in planetary health and the common good. Nicole, who co-founded the Arctic Indigenous Wellness Foundation, is also author of The Science of the Sacred: Bridging Global Indigenous Medicine Systems.

Michelle Moore on Leading an Equitable Energy Transition

On August 4th, Michelle Moore joined Garrison Institute co-founder Jonathan F.P. Rose in conversation on leading an equitable energy transition. As CEO of Groundswell, Michelle has empowered communities all over the country to reduce energy costs and add clean energy generation.

Justin Winters on Coexisting with Nature

On July 20th, Justin Winters joined Garrison Institute co-founder Jonathan F.P. Rose in conversation on coexisting with nature. As Justin explained through One Earth’s mission, this requires a three-pronged approach: conserving 50% of lands and oceans; achieving net-zero, regenerative food systems; and a just transition to 100% renewable energy. 

Daniel Christian Wahl on Regenerative Systems Design

On June 3rd, Dr. Daniel Christian Wahl joined Garrison Institute co-founder Jonathan F.P. Rose in conversation on regenerative systems design for planetary health. Grounding the conversation, Daniel explained that regenerative cultures are not a futuristic utopia; rather, these were reality for millenia, with people living as part of their landscapes. It is only in the last ~1,000 years that the story we tell ourselves has changed.

Cynthia Bourgeault on The Common Good

On 5/25, Rev. Dr. Cynthia Bourgeault joined Garrison Institute co-founder Jonathan F.P. Rose in conversation on the Common Good. The day after the Uvalde tragedy, when many felt lost and hopeless, Cynthia offered advice blending her unique brand of study in the Wisdom school tradition.

Taking Educator SEL Seriously!
CARE Is a Proven Equitable Pathway to Support Teacher and Student Well-being

Teaching can be a very rewarding profession, but the stresses of the last two years have taken a great toll and we are now facing a teacher crisis of retirement and shortages that will affect and negatively impact education for a generation. A startling new Ed Week finding shows that the % of American teachers that are very satisfied with their jobs drop from 62% in 2010  to just 12% in April of 2022.