The Ecological Turn

Bridging Wisdom from Contemplative Traditions with Ecological Ways of Life

The Pathways to Planetary Health initiative hosted a conversation to explore contemplative approaches to the critical ecological challenges of our time. This online Garrison Institute Forum focused on the growing recognition of ecological realities and the integration of traditional Asian spiritual traditions and philosophies in addressing modern environmental issues. 

Stephen Posner from the Garrison Institute facilitated the dialogue with renowned scholars Mary Evelyn Tucker from the Yale Forum on Religion and Ecology, and Peter Senge from MIT and the Center for Systems Awareness. Both Mary Evelyn and Peter serve on the Pathways Advisory Council and provide valuable guidance to the Pathways to Planetary Health initiative. 

During the Forum, these two esteemed guests provided insights into how ancient wisdom from Asian traditions of Confucianism, Taoism, and Buddhism can guide contemporary environmental action.

“I want to draw on the strength of many people and their resilience over time, for a spiritual path, for an ecological path, and for resilience.” — Mary Evelyn Tucker

Mary Evelyn Tucker, a distinguished scholar of East Asian religions, shared her personal journey of discovery, beginning with her early involvement in social movements and her deep engagement with Buddhism. Mary Evelyn emphasized the revival of Confucianism in China, particularly its role in fostering an orientation toward Ecological Civilization. This concept, which became enshrined in China’s constitution in 2018, calls for a new ethical framework that situates humans as integral components of the natural world. Mary Evelyn underscored the power of cultural and ethical roots in addressing environmental issues and highlighted the growing importance of Chinese traditions, especially Confucianism, in shaping China’s environmental policies. 

Peter Senge, a pioneer of systems thinking, also shared his experiences with Asian traditions, notably his mentorship with a widely-respected and multidisciplinary spiritual teacher, Master Nan, who lived across Taiwan, Hong Kong, and China. Peter’s reflections on the challenges of de-Westernizing China’s education system shed light on the need to integrate traditional practices with modern educational approaches, for example through introducing contemplative practices like tai chi and calligraphy into curricula. Learning – both in formal school settings and in the life lessons that convey moral and spiritual development – can be a valuable point of synthesis among ancient wisdom traditions and modern global challenges.

If you look at Garrison Institute, and the core ethos or mission around contemplative practices, science, and social engagement… it aligns with the cultivation essence of Confucianism.” — Peter Senge

The dialogue emphasized the significance of Ecological Civilization, a concept that links ecological stewardship with cultural and spiritual development. All three speakers agreed that creating lasting environmental change requires more than just scientific innovation; it also demands a cultural and ethical transformation. In China, this shift is underway, as government environmental policies increasingly reflect principles of Confucianism. However, the implementation of these policies is not without its challenges, particularly at the local level where political dynamics can introduce complexity across governance scales. 

The discussion also touched on the importance of Indigenous knowledge and spiritual practices in fostering a more regenerative ongoing relationship with Earth.

“… to develop the senses for a relational space… in other words, there are three people in this conversation with three of us. There’s always the fourth. There is the ethical or relational space that we co-create as a presence, as an agent.” — Peter Senge

Mary Evelyn and Peter highlighted the relevance of contemplative practices rooted in Asian traditions as tools for cultivating deep awareness of our interconnectedness with nature. Peter also critiqued the materialistic worldview of Western science, advocating for a more holistic, systems-based approach that aligns with the deep interdependence recognized by Asian philosophies.

A key insight from this Garrison Institute Forum was the idea that the future of planetary health lies in integrating traditional wisdom with modern science. As a society, we can move beyond reductionist, materialistic perspectives to foster more relational worldviews—conceptions of the world that acknowledge deep interconnections among all beings. A spiritual and ethical renewal can revitalize anthropocosmic worldviews during this intensely anthropocentric time. Teachings of Chinese traditions offer sources of inspiration. 

“The great learning… simply says we’re part of concentric circles, and there’s no individual without the family, without the society, without friends, without education, politics, nature and the cosmos.” — Mary Evelyn Tucker

A sense of cautious optimism carried through the conversation. Mary Evelyn, Peter, and Stephen expressed hope for future generations who are embracing a more integrated approach to environmental stewardship. They emphasized the importance of intergenerational learning—spaces where reflection, contemplation, and an understanding of our collective responsibility toward Earth can be nurtured. Despite concerns about emerging technologies, Peter offered a thought-provoking perspective on how artificial intelligence can be used to help internalize and teach relational Indigenous ontologies and promote a deeper understanding of ecological interconnectedness.

As we consider the present moment, an ecological turn offers an exciting opportunity to reshape global narratives around environmental sustainability. By bridging the rich cultural and spiritual traditions from Asia with scientific and technological advancements, we can chart a shared path forward that is rooted in insights from science with skills and wisdom learned through contemplative practice. At the Garrison Institute, we are committed to continuing these important conversations and fostering a deeper awareness of our shared responsibility to Earth.

About the speakers

Mary Evelyn Tucker, PhD, is co-director with John Grim of the Yale Forum on Religion and Ecology. Her special area of study is Asian religions, going back to her doctoral work at Columbia University centered in Japanese Confucianism. Since 1997 she has been a Research Associate at the Reischauer Institute of Japanese Studies at Harvard, and she has authored 5 books on Confucianism and Spirituality. Her concern for the growing environmental crisis, especially in Asia, led her to organize with John Grim a series of ten conferences on World Religions and Ecology at the Center for the Study of World Religions at Harvard in the 1990s, including serving as series editors for the ten volumes from these conferences. Mary Evelyn co-edited the volumes on Buddhism and Ecology (Harvard, 1997), Confucianism and Ecology (Harvard, 1998), and Hinduism and Ecology (Harvard, 2000). The purpose of this was to evoke environmental ethics that would be culturally based in Asian traditions. She has been traveling to China for 40 years, since 1985, and seen many changes such as rapid modernization as well as environmental pollution of air, water, soil and food. The ecological turn in China is toward creating an ecological civilization for a flourishing future.

 Peter Senge, PhD, is Co-Founder of the Center for Systems Awareness and Senior Lecturer in Leadership & Sustainability at MIT. Peter has been at the forefront of organizational learning since publishing his classic text, The Fifth Discipline, which provided theories and methods to foster aspiration, develop reflective conversation, and understand complexity in service of shaping learning-oriented organization cultures. Throughout his career, Peter asks “how do we create the conditions for people to work together at their best, cultivating the innate systems intelligence that is our birthright but is all but lost in modern culture?” 

Stephen Posner, PhD, is Director of Pathways to Planetary Health at the Garrison Institute, where he develops practical, scalable approaches to addressing social-ecological challenges. He has published over 50 technical and non-technical articles on sustainability science, leverage points for change, and assessment for social and ecological systems. Stephen applies science and draws from contemplative practices across traditions to align human systems with nature. He builds understanding across sectors and serves as a trusted advisor to policymakers and funders.

Additional Resources

The Garrison Institute Pathways to Planetary Health initiative

Pathways to Planetary Health 2024 study in Earth Awareness

The Ecological Turn in New Confucian Humanism by Tu Weiming

Ecological Civilization with the Yale Forum on Religion and Ecology

The Center for Systems Awareness

Hospicing Modernity by Vanessa Machado de Oliveira

Aiden Cinnamon Tea, a relational AI

Ecological Civilization: An emerging paradigm in China by Mary Evelyn Tucker and John Grim

Journey of the Universe

Presence: Human Purpose and the Field of the Future by Peter Senge, Otto Scharmer, Joseph Jaworski, and Betty Sue Flowers

The Earth Charter

Your support matters

Regenerating planetary health and a more compassionate world has never felt more important. We are thankful for the opportunity to create virtual and in-person spaces of sanctuary during these times. If you feel called to support our work, we welcome your tax-deductible contribution toward our efforts.

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