Jennifer Reed of Eden Housing presents the way in which her organization, through a resident engagement program, led by kids from the Boys and Girls Club, Eden Housing saved over $13,000 in a short period of time at three of their affordable housing sites in Petaluma, CA. Reed also discusses Eden Housing’s Green Ninjas who engage with organizational members and community residents on green education initiatives; another example of making the process of building an organizational culture of sustainability fun and desirable. Jennifer Reed presented Eden’s successful, firsthand account as a part of a larger panel on behavior change programs that were supported by grants from Enterprise Community Partners. Enterprise launched a resident led engagement program on Earth Day 2011. Over the course of a year, six community development organizations used Enterprise’s Resident Engagement Training-in-a-Box materials in their communities to support healthy living, lower utility and maintenance costs, and maximize the environmental benefits of green affordable housing.Follow along with the presentation by downloading it here.